Are frustrations in our businesses due to leadership problems? | e69

Chris and Jason review the frustrations we feel in business and talk about how all of those frustrations at the end of the day reveal weaknesses in leadership that we should be paying attention to. We’re pretty sure that every problem is somehow rooted in leadership. We don’t need more leaders, we need more great leaders who are willing to navigate these issues.

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Learn your Leadership Voice here: Take the 5 Voices Assessment for free and connect with coaching through exANIMO Solutions.

Leading is Serving podcast is hosted by: Chris Wood (Stillwater Renovations) & Jason Kempf (exANIMO Solutions)
If you have any questions, suggested topics, potential interviews, or just want to know more, contact us at on our website!
Music is Disarray by Bobo Renthlei on Soundstripe
Recorded at The Uncommons Studios