We talk with Kyle Chudyk today about the importance of having a plan, the fear of and benefits of failure, being a life long learner, and recognizing that Dad was right all along.
Our guest today has traveled the world shooting film for companies, TV, movies, and professional sports. Kyle Chudyk joins us today as a brand new franchise owner of ProLift Doors in Indianapolis but has spent part of his career as a creative behind a camera and designing lighting as a creative director. We talk about the importance of having a plan, the fear of and benefits of failure, being a life long learner, and recognizing that Dad was right all along.
Leading is Serving podcast is hosted by: Chris Wood (Stillwater Renovations) & Jason Kempf (exANIMO Solutions)
If you have any questions, suggested topics, potential interviews, or just want to know more, shoot us an email at podcast@exanimo.solutions.
Music is Disarray by Bobo Renthlei on Soundstripe