On my 10yr anniversary I resigned from Fedex with an emergency fund and no plan. I had finally gotten to a level of burn out that made it painfully clear that my priorities are no longer aligned with the corporate world.
I've grown up around successful entrepreneurs but never wanted that for myself. (Examples: Generations of Bauchle's have gone to the same small auto shop in greenwood, sister has her own salon, SIL does photography, cousin does Henna/Art, Mom sold Avon, etc)
Pet Care was a passion that I only viewed as a hobby because, honestly, it was too much fun and fulfilling......... and jobs are supposed to be, well, "work."
Thank goodness I had other entrepreneurs in my corner that encouraged me to take small steps in being legitimate. December 2021 I filed to become an LLC and have grown to the point that 2023 is my first year going full time in my own business.
Without the encouragement of my peers, their willingness to patiently talk with me and readiness to share their resources, I don't think I would be at this point today. That's why I love networking and engaging with other small businesses. I love being able to talk about struggles, celebrate wins/growth, coolaborate on ideas, and find opportunities to serve each other.
My outreach slogan, "I'm not your competition," is borrowed from my gym because it perfectly sums up my heart on how a community should pull together. Regardless of your industry, if we partner together then we all rise for the greater good of the town and everyone in it.