May 11, 2022

Chief Jeremy Pell | Understanding Other's Path & Transcending Social Issues | e26

Chief Jeremy Pell | Understanding Other's Path & Transcending Social Issues | e26

Chief Pell has been leading the White River Township Fire Department for 14 years. He has also cross trained with the sheriff's department to better understand interagency coordination. From active shooter response to wrestling with social issues, when the mission is clear and your options few, then your decision is simple. Join us to hear his obvious passion for putting his life on the line to serve others and his not-so-secret passion for his dog, Rosie. Thank you to Chief Pell and and all the men and women of the WRTFD and the Sherrif's Department for serving us and fighting for our highest good!

Learn your Leadership Voice here: Take the 5 Voices Assessment for free and connect with coaching through exANIMO Solutions.

Leading is Serving podcast is hosted by: Chris Wood (Stillwater Renovations) & Jason Kempf (exANIMO Solutions)
If you have any questions, suggested topics, potential interviews, or just want to know more, shoot us an email at
Music is Disarray by Bobo Renthlei on Soundstripe
Recorded at The Uncommons Studios